Herzlich Willkommen

auf dem behelfsmäßigen internet-Auftritt von unserem Bauernhof in Kanada, jetzt noch im Ihnen bekannten Rahmen von www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com, weil der Hof erstmal laufen muß, bevor an eine Gestaltung des internet-Auftritts zu denken ist.  Deshalb sind die Texte leider auch nur auf Englisch vorhanden und es gibt noch keine Bilder.  Wir bitten um Verständnis.

About three years ago we moved from Germany to our wonderful farm in the equally wonderful Province of New Brunswick. We are very happy to be here, in this tranquil and picturesque setting amongst friendly, kind and helpful neighbours. 

We had bought the farm in winter - we know this is something one really should not do ;-) - but when we walked over the ground the first time after having moved here, we realised that we have been entrusted with what seems to be a piece of paradise.

We intend to use this farm responsibly knowing that we owe this to God, coming generations and the community.

In Germany we kept heritage breeds and practiced what is there called "bio" farming, that is sustainable farming without chemicals and with due respect to the environment and to the animals, be they domesticated (farm) animals or wild.  We worked as much as we could with horses instead of the tractor to reduce the use of non-renewable resources and emissions.

We hope to do the same over here.  We already have a few free range Barred Rock chicken, some French Alpine goats,  and Newfoundland Ponies, a heritage breed.  The ponies are currently being trained in order that they can be used for trail rides, something which was very enjoyable for our guests on our former farm.  We also intend to keep live stock and have a market garden, to provide high quality regional foods (fresh and preserved) to residents and visitors in the area. 

I have been a strong supporter of regional development efforts in Germany and again here.  What started about 1 1/2 years ago as a effort of a small group supported by the United Way has brought us the Upriver News newsletter, new programmes, the Upriver Business and Community Directory, the www.upriver-news.ca website (made by myself - see www.spread-it.ca and the Upriver Country Market.  On opening day we were at the Upriver Country Market, with the products from our farm (click here to find out which ones) and one our Newfies for the children to enjoy a ride on.

Despite of the weather we had a good strawberry season and processed reasonably well with making hay, most of which we sold this year as the barn is still not finished.  Our potato bread has been sold out every market-Saturday, so we are very happy and grateful.


The pictures that provide the frame of this website are of our former farm.  Now is the time to renovate the barn, to improve and work the land, hopefully next winter will be time to present more information online.  Please bear with us until then.

Have a wonderful summer! 



P.S.:  If you want to see some pictures of the animals on our old farm, here are the links.  I am sorry, the texts are in German, but the pictures are in any language.

http://www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de/tiere/wollschweine.htm http://www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com/gubitzmoos/die-tiere/wollschweine.htm- mangalitza pigs

http://www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de/tiere/schafe.htm http://www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com/gubitzmoos/die-tiere/schafe.htm- sheep

http://www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de/tiere/esel.htm  http://www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com/gubitzmoos/die-tiere/esel.htm- donkeys

http://www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de/tiere/gefluegel.htm http://www.gegen-stallpflicht.de/de/bilder.html http://www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com/gubitzmoos/die-tiere/huehner.htm - poultry 

http://www.bauernhof-zu-verkaufen.com/gubitzmoos/die-tiere/pferde.htm http://www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de/zugpferde.htm - horses

Our Product List was Last Updated June 2, 2012

Click Opens internal link in current windowhere to find out what is currently available on our farm.  Visitors are usually welcome for FARM TOURS.  We currently have a foal born May 30th, young kids (goats) and a lamb that is being bottle fed.



Um mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen, rufen Sie uns doch bitte an (Achtung: meistens 5 Stunden Zeitunterschied zur zentraleuropäischen Zeit) oder schicken Sie uns doch eine  Öffnet ein Fenster zum Versenden einer E-Mail e-mail .


Besuchen Sie auch den Hauptinternetauftritt unserer Familie Öffnet einen externen Link in einem neuen Fenster www.dem-wahren-schoenen-guten.de .


Leider sind diese Seiten noch nicht übersetzt, so hat die deutschsprachige Version den selben Text wie die Englische.  Wir bitten um Entschuldigung.




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Telefon: +1 506 785 9093   -   E-Mail: info@cm-farms.ca
Copyright 2010-2024 Ute und Armin Arend